Sunday, April 24, 2005

That lil girl has made my day

On my way to church this evening, I had such an inspiring moment talking to this little girl on the tram. She was sitting behind me with her mom and her little brother. Her little brother had the exact blue eyes as her. She's about 4 or 5 and she reminded me so much of my younger cousin sister in UK. She had such a lively, enthusiastic spirit within her, singing and moving about on her seat. She kept turning to her back, peeping from behind. And each time I turned my back to look at her, she had that adorable smile that simply outshines every person on the tram. She started to share with me about what she did the whole day. And each time before she started off with a topic, she would go like this: "Hey, guess what?" In a day, I couldn't believe she did so much of stuff. haha...It was one of those conversation that leaves you giggling from behind. She has truly made my day! =)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Opps...wrong way

gosh...I've gotta just write this thing down before I forget. It was embarassing on my part. Was laughing my head off when I started sharing it with my housemates. It started off when I was on my way back home from my cousin's farewell party. I was a little hungry and therefore, I decided to stop by at MacDs on Swanston Street to grab some nuggets. Went up to the counter and told the girl I wanted 6 pieces of nuggets. Her reply was, "Sorry, we don;t have six. Would seven be alright?" Went ahead with 7 pieces of nuggets. Paid for it and walked off. Opened up the paper bag and there they were 7 pieces of strangely looking nuggets. The nuggets were somehow longer and darker than what I had in mind. It felt strange cause I've never seen MacDs nuggets in such a manner before. I wanted to go back to the counter and ask the girl if there was a mistake in the order but because the queue was rather long, I decided to just stay put with the nuggets at the end of the day. As I was walking out of the shop, I saw this sign that seemed familiar to my very eyes at a distance. It said 'MacD'. My eyes were drawn to the paper bag that I was holding, the bag where the nuggets were being kept. On the bag it was the Hungry Jack's logo. It took me quite a while to realize that I was at Hungry Jack all along instead of MacD. Oh, boy...what a day! haha..

Monday, April 18, 2005

Genesis 1:25

Was at the Weribee Zoo last weekend. The experience of canoeing at the safari was pretty cool. It was such a good time spent at the zoo. A day to just chill out and enjoy the uniqueness of these amazing living creatures.

" God made the wild animals according to its kind. And it was so. God made the wild aimals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures and move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was GOOD." Genesis 1:25

took some great shots of these animals. Enjoy!




Friday, April 15, 2005

Scary yet exciting

Both pey-li and I was at Sorrento for scuba diving last weekend. It wasn't as what I have expected it to be. There weren't many fishes in the sea and the water wasn't clear. The overall experience was quite fun and scary at the same time. It's like a whole new world out there. What scared me were the equipments and the amount of weights that I had to carry . The thoughts of 'how could this be possible?',' would I sink in that?" flooded across my mind. The SCARIEST part were times where I couldn't control my breathing properly, was choking when I tried to hold my breath (5-7 feet under water) that I eventually pull off my mouth piece and tried swimming up to the surface.In that split second, I was in such desperation to reach towards the surface. I was choking badly after all the salt water that I have swallowed. It somehow seemed ages to actually swim towards the light source. I now know a little about that feeling of being in a helpless state where you would just pray that someone would get you out of there immediately. I'm so glad that I had an amazing instructor with me. She has been so encouraging especially at times when I wanted to give up. It felt as though she was like one of those heaven-sent angels where I wouldn't know what to do without her. After that one breathless state that I was in, she did asked me gently if I would want to try it again. She suggested that the other option we could do is to just swim close to the surface. Somewhat, I just didn't want to quit there and then. Overall, I had about 5 times of breathless state. I guess I'm quite a stubborn person myself in one way or another that I just didn;t want to quit there and then. I just wanted to push myself forward until i get the hang of it. haha...Anyways, I do hope that my experience would not frighten those of you who want to scuba dive in days to come. Honestly, it has been quite a good experience for me and I'm sure it would be for you guys too. Just go with a heart, well-prepared for the challenge. AS long as you practise your breathing right, you'll have NO problem at all. =)

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Each time when I hear this song, 'Much Afraid', I can't help but to be reminded of that short movie production thing I did for my last semester at lim kok wing. This song had such significance to me while I was acting as the main character in my own movie. Boy, I was exactly like 'Much Afraid' in my character until the day where I found hope and a new life in Christ Jesus.

Empty again
Sunken down so far
So scared to fall
I might not get up again

So I lay at your feet
All my brokenness
I carry all of my burdens to you

All of these things
I've held up in vain
No reason nor rhyme
Just the scars that remain
Of all of these things
I'm so much afraid
Scared out of my mind
By the demons I've made
Sweet Jesus, you never ever let me go
Oh, sweet Jesus, never ever let me go

So happy to love
Yet so far to go
You lead me on to where I've never been before
-jars of clay

p/s: To those people who have acted in it; yee boon, pey-li and people rock man! It was quite a fun experience working with you all and the best part was the 'lift' scene where you said it was more like a japanese horror movie. hehe.. Thank you for making that movie possible!