Monday, February 12, 2007

somewhat, different

you've got to just wake up and do things differently.
like preparing a biggie breakfast for someone's birthday..'tee hee'

a big birthday shout to my dearest housemate, elison..! :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I feel like a computer lab teacher

Ironic as it may seemed, I get a little excited when it appears
out of the blue.
Just today, I was rushing from my freelance job at the city to the 'I feel like a computer lab teacher' while helping out my housemate to conduct a market research at melbourne uni. The recruitment part yesterday was tough, but I managed to pull through with some key points :
1. inrease your tone a lil when it comes to the benefit part
of the research
2. people seem to be at their most comfortable position when you know how to speak their language.
3. be a friend, instead of an intruder

The best part of the recruitment period wasn't so much about getting
the job done (though I know that's important) but it was the part where you get to sit down for a while and ask the other person..'How are you doing?' and you'll see that sometimes, what is required is just that.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Apart from that, there's a sense of accomplishment on my part somewhat rather to be able to recruit that amount of ppl and still spend time talking and showing people directions around the campus. haha