Monday, December 26, 2005

Love..'s not in the snow that may or may not fall.
And it's not in the gifts beneath the tree
It's in the love heaven gave that night our Saviour came
and that same love can still be found wherever you are
"Cause Christmas is all in the heart"

-for Love came down at Christmas

my lil keeper

I just found out a new way to keep my guitar pic while travelling from houses to houses to sing and play Christmas carols last friday.

pic idea that actually kept the pic safe and sound!

presenting to you..miss lil ballerina ginger girl...
one of the funniest christmas gift i've ever received. Home baked by my two good buddies, hui shan and su lin..
she got burnt in the process and her poor legs got broken by me accidently in the neatly packaged plastic wrap.



Tuesday, December 20, 2005


to a very dear friend and mentor,

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you came and became part of our family

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you and aunty jessie
would always invite me over for a chat and a cup of tea

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you would sit beside me on the piano,
gently guiding me through the melody before sunday's worship

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you would put your arms around my shoulders
to remind me that God is in control of everything

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you kept believing in me
when no one else did

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where we were so excited talking about your plans
and the new journey ahead for both you and your family

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where you left us without saying goodbye

It seemed as though it was only yesterday,
where LOVE took you HOME
to a place where you would prefer to be in

You're greatly missed..
and I am so blessed to have shared part of my life with such a mighty warrior as you..

- hueiweun -