Easter weekend...
It was such a good break from uni. Was spending most of my easter weekend with my church friends. Ate so much since Rachel's birthday. haha...Took a day trip to Sorrento where we ended up plucking strawberries, strolled along the beach, took lotsa photos. Had great fun especially with this bunch of crazy people! You guys are awesome...(thumbs up!)

Easter service was good. Pastor Geoff was sharing on the promises of God (Matt 28: 5-10). He summarized it to 3 main points : The promise of the empty cross which is the promise of forgiveness, the promise of the empty tomb which is the promise of transformational power; having our lives being transformed, the promise of the empty burial clothes which is the promise of a personal relationship with God. This easter, I was being reminded that in every setting of my failure, God breaks through with a heartening promise.
"Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." 2 Peter 1:4