Thursday, March 24, 2005


Finally...fuh, I'm off for a one week easter break from uni. My holiday officially starts today. Ah, so so glad. Don't have to worry about getting up early for now. This coming holiday feels like I've been given a second chance to complete my assignments. Would not let mr. laziness come near to me this time! Ah, can't afford to entertain him anymore. bad, bad, bad...Apart from that, I am looking forward to the week ahead. A kick start with 3 agendas later on this evening: delirious at city church, theatre production meeting at melbourne uni and rachel's birthday. The hardest part is that all these three events are going to take place around the same time. Gosh, it's tough when things like that happen cause you just wanna be there in all three. You've got to either scarifice one for another. oh, well.let's just see how I would come about. =) ( Could imagine myself running all over the place ) haha...It's gonna be a great week ahead. Easter celebration is just around the corner. Wohoo..Was reflecting back on the good friday service that I went for a year ago at City Church with both of my housemates. How time flies! Anyways, I simply loved the way when we started to exchange our tiny cups with another person during communion. I thought that was such an interesting way to acknowledge one another in God's love.
Off to watch Joyce Meyer's program on tv. It has always been refreshing to hear her sermon at 4.00 am in the morning. YOu'll ultimately be refreshed in God's word..=)

leny, rachel and me

'blessed 21st birthday, rachel!'


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