Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Today's the end of my contract job. As sad as it is to know that this day has finally arrived, I now rest my case. Will miss those cranky conversations, late afternoon whispers of 'I want to go home terribly', lunch invitations, exchanged of chairs from out of no where the next morning, cold shivers when the boss calls out your name. hahaha. To my IT, multicultural department peeps, it was hilarious & fun working with you guys!

'It was the end of a bitter, sweet chapter...with some pinch
of madness in it.
I doubt that this upcoming, unknown story would be easy,
but I now know that I can always rest on my pa's shoulder.
and even through the high volumes of insanity,
he seemed to have just the right, perfect portion
for some great laughs and cartwheels over chimney tops.'
-my reverie 31st jan-

Saturday, January 20, 2007

serendipity splashes

You know how some days are a lil 'dé·jà vu ish'..
& how some days are like a bombshell filled with surprises?

from the smell of the egg & bacon roll to the mad rush at escalators,
from cool crumpler bags to the besiegement of the ipod generation,
from my & chocolate crib to the peek a boo.loud morning wishes with snack bars gift away.alternative music versus trance music debates at my colleagues desks,
from the early lazy monday mornings, mid week combats to the countdown appearance of Hero Fridays',
from the city of tall grey boxes to the walks through the colour splash of dancing trees and leaves,

...those thank you's have never been louder!

and with the homecoming of my housemate, weekends are awaiting to be exploded with the combination of our randomness. And that's something to shout about and celebrate! :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

hear 'em

'and you should hear the angels sing
all gathered round their king
more beautiful than you could dream
i've been quietly listening
you can hear 'em now, i hear em now'

Monday, January 01, 2007

Mine in His

If I were to write about my story in 2006, what would I be writting on?
I could either write about my turmoil state or the peace that came within as I laid my head in bed.
I could either write about close doors or open ones that were far much better than anything that I could asked for or imagined.
I could either write about my endless effort into making things happen or the miracles, grace and favour of my Saviour.
I could either write about the heartcries of the broken hearted at night or the restoration of a joyous new song that breaks forth in the morning.
I could either write about the loneliness or the company of my Best Friend that is far better than life.
I could either write about my destinations or the process in that journey with stops for Mac Ds, breadrolls, sunshines, escalators, photo lenses, beaches, children's laughters, acoustic guitars, people..
I could either write about shattered dreams and desires or the promises of a Father who breathes life into the dead.
I could either write about many celebrations or the declaration and covenant of His neverending love for me.
I could either write about the story of a 23 year old girl doing ordinary stuff; heartaches at paying bills, movie marathons, chasing after trams, dancing in the street, loving the acoustic sessions..
or the story of a 23 year old girl living out the extraordinary in the ordinary.

and that was my 2006 story, embedded in my lover's story.