It only gets better
Yesterday was our last day at Ignite for this year, 2006. Not only we were all blown away by Kuda's marriage proposal, it was exciting to sit back, reflect and see how much Ignite has grown and accomplished throughout the past one year. I feel so proud and blessed to be among this group of passionate young adults who are just totally sold out towards the ministry and kingdom of God. There's this strong vibe and energy that Ignite carries and further explodes into the lives of the people in it. A vision, so fervent that it consumes each individual from where they are, builds them and stir them up to go above and beyond to see His kingdom being established. But above all,it has become a place where you can come just as you are.. broken, tired, imperfect, going through a bad week to encounter and fall in love with Jesus once again. I remembered my first Ignite meeting back in 2004 & the first person to greet me at the door was our beloved Pastor Geeeeeoooffrryyy KWAN!He is one asian dude pastor that has truly inspired my life and many others. Nevertheless, it all started with that one warm smile and handshake from him that Ignite has eventually become part of my life at Richmond. Thanx Geoff, you are our champion!
and to my beloved friend miss Pele who spoke at Ignite yesterday, man...I'm so so proud of you, Preach it, preach it...girl!!!!haha
'ignite v. et fire to; catch fire.'