Thursday, November 30, 2006

It only gets better

Yesterday was our last day at Ignite for this year, 2006. Not only we were all blown away by Kuda's marriage proposal, it was exciting to sit back, reflect and see how much Ignite has grown and accomplished throughout the past one year. I feel so proud and blessed to be among this group of passionate young adults who are just totally sold out towards the ministry and kingdom of God. There's this strong vibe and energy that Ignite carries and further explodes into the lives of the people in it. A vision, so fervent that it consumes each individual from where they are, builds them and stir them up to go above and beyond to see His kingdom being established. But above all,it has become a place where you can come just as you are.. broken, tired, imperfect, going through a bad week to encounter and fall in love with Jesus once again. I remembered my first Ignite meeting back in 2004 & the first person to greet me at the door was our beloved Pastor Geeeeeoooffrryyy KWAN!He is one asian dude pastor that has truly inspired my life and many others. Nevertheless, it all started with that one warm smile and handshake from him that Ignite has eventually become part of my life at Richmond. Thanx Geoff, you are our champion!
and to my beloved friend miss Pele who spoke at Ignite yesterday, man...I'm so so proud of you, Preach it, preach it...girl!!!!haha

'ignite v. et fire to; catch fire.'

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I think;

the greatest gift you can ever give yourself,
is the ability to give it to someone else.

-my reverie-

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Afternoon cravings

I'm craving...... for a cup of ice bubble tea on a cold, layback Thursday afternoon, 16th of Nov 2006.
If only my rabbits could walk and talk like a human being, I would be so delighted to send them off to get me one.
If only someone or just anybody would suprise me with a cup of ice bubble tea on my doorstep, she'll/he'll be MY suPer hero for the day! *sigh* Don't we all love suprises? haha..I do.
Anyways, while sitting here in front of my computer waiting for my beloved friend, miss lim to send some files over, thought I'll blog a lil abt my week. Apart from the accomplishment in arriving at Burwood without a map for my job interview, I've just finished a book that I've recently bought called 'twentysomething' in a couple of hours. ( if you're in the midst of your first job hunt, anxious about what's around the corner, caught by suprise;grappling with adult life - this would be a good book for you to read ) :)
The highlight of the week comes down to...
1. Taking some time off to bless others. Thanx to the help of my co-lifegroup leader, issac and miss crazy ling, I think we did such a fantastic job in getting together to cook for our beloved lifegroup ppl who's going through their exams. Deliveries to their homes at 1am, running around excitedly looking for ivona to pick her up from work in my was nothing but fun!
2. Happy belated birthday to you, mr. leroy. Guess, you don't need an air-ticket anymore, do you? Cuz you seemed to be content with your good looking nice tops. Wise choices...haha..
3. I reackon I should do more office visitation to my friends' workplaces. I've hit of three so far. Elison's, Tam's and Juliette's.
I would be so delighted to have friends coming over to my office when i start working. *hint* haha.
4. Gives credit to these three five year old lil girls; AJ, Julia and Charlotte for giving me one of the BEst Hug and smiles after KidsAlive and for Nathan who once again surprised me with incredible answers during prep class.

Looking forward for this coming fabulous weekend!!

'We are not defined by our careers or our relationships or even life's passions. God's ultimate and immediate will for our lives as believers become simply this: That we would persue Him ever single day of our lives. That's what defines us. That is what fulfills us.' -Bebo Norman

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

With You

I was off to an unfamiliar place today. What was more challenging was the fact that I had no map with me, don't have the slightest clue how I was going about.
But..hold and behold, I managed to reach my destination.
and I know that it won't be long till I'm off to another exciting adventure.

'With You,
it feels as though I can conquer the world'
-my reverie-

Monday, November 13, 2006

bumpy, yet funky

'It's kind of weird. I have never gone out looking for hard times, but they still manage to find me. I've even tried hiding from them by wearing my seat belt, eating lots of green vegetables, and not getting too involved in complex situations. I've tried to protect myself from hard times, but sonner or later they still come knocking on my door. Slowly, I'm coming to terms with the fact that hard times happen. That's a Christian-esque way of saying you-know-what happens. Yet even when it hits the fan, it's not without God knowing. And there's a bit of comfort in that, even though eveything smells a lil funky.'
- Margaret Feinberg

Thursday, November 02, 2006

lemon twist

Do you remember the last time you had butterflies in your tummy?
I had it, just right today. With only 4 hours of sleep, I had no clue how I was going to go through today's challenge. It was a morning where everything was supposed to be perfect and well prepared, a morning where you would just hit off with the right words, right clothings, right weather.
I...was found no where close to any of that.
What I had with me was my portfolio bag, written notes being highlighted and a mind that was trying so hard to construct proper English sentences. The last thing that came to mind was this - 'Scrap off all that you are trying to memorize and just be yourself'. And I think I did just that. Being myself was a sense of relief. Trying to be someone that I'm not was like trying to squeeze myself into a smaller dress size that didn't fit me at all. I wouldn't say the whole session was perfect, but it was an experience that I've learnt (am still learning) that my Heavenly Father still comes and take hold of my hand. An experience that I was reminded to be myself, yes..the girl who knew why she wasn't made for business or an accountant, where coats and suits can never beat the comfy old school t-shirts and sneakers! :)
thank you for the prayers and smses guys! Couldn't have done it today without having a bunch of supportive people right by my side.

'In the midst of a day being planned,
He hops in to breathe grace upon my agenda
with a tangy sweet lemon twist...'