Been running all over the place lately, getting things done here and there.
I wouldn't say that the past few weeks have been great, BUT they were definately challenging. In times when I felt everything was going just fine, something arises somewhere. As much as I have tried to count and make sure things are going smoothly, I ended up being like King David where he counted the people, replacing trust with statistics. Been reading "The Sacred Romance" by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge. Am reading this book for the very first time after being purchased three years ago. Ironic.....never really kept a book for such a long period without reading it.
BUt amazingly, an appropriate book that has spoken to me in this season that i'm going through.
"As we stand at this intersection of God's calling, we look down two highways that appear to travel in very different directions. The first highway quickly takes a turn and dissapears from our view. We cannot see clearly where it leads but there are ominous clouds in the near distance. It is hard to say if they hold rain, snow or hail or are still in the process of fermenting whatever soul weather they intend to unleash upon us. Standing still long enough to look down this road makes us aware of anxiety inside, an anxiety that threatens to crystallize into unhealed pain and forgotten dissapointment. We check our valise and find no up-to-date road map but only the torn and smudged parchment containing the scribbled anecdotes and travelers' warnings by a few who have traveled the way of the heart before us. THey encourage us to follow them but their rambling journals give no real answers to our queries on how to navigate the highway.
"Each heart has its own turns and necessary overnights", they say. Only God knows where your road leads. BUt come ahead. The journey is purifying and the destination is good. Faced with such mystery and irritating vagueness, we cast our glance down the other highway, It runs straight as far as we can see, with the first night's lodging visible in the appropriate distance. Each mile is carefully marked with signs that promise success on the leg of the journey immediately ahead if their directions are carefully followed. The crisp map we take from our valise assures us that heart baggage is not needed on this journey and would only be in the way. As we turn to look at the old parchment one more time, our eyes find the sentences left by one former traveler, "Don;t be afraid of embracing the dissapointment you feel, old or new. Don't be scared of the unreasonable joy either. They're the highway Markers HOME. I've gone ahead. Yours Truly."
-The Sacred Romance-
I believe that that is not just my story but a story to many others. I pray that may you continue to find courage and strength in all that, knowing gently that God has already gone ahead for both you and I in preparing the way, life in goodness, abundance and overflowing blessings.