Monday, August 01, 2005

monday blues

Started uni about a week ago. Assignments have kicked in but I'm still taking my own sweet time to do stuff. Need a kick on my butt to restart my system running back once again. This final semester is going to be tough. I've got classes everyday at 9.00am which is ONE big challenge for me. It's just so hard for me to get up that early for classes and even if I do, I'll probably knock off during lectures. Concentration level will go down at around lunch time. Anyways, apart from that, I did manage to catch 'THe Lion King' broadway show with Elaine last wednesday. THe show was really good, the props were terrific. Just love it! RAkan-rakan kat Malaysia, mesti tengok kalau mereka datang ke Malaysia tau! If you love musicals and broadways, trust me, you'll enjoy it as much as I did!!
Managed to book my flight back too. 19th November is 'da' date. Mark it down in your calender! haha..Not sure if I would stay till Christmas. Will see how it goes. much to look forward to when I get back home. =)gotta start planning already..hmmm.

'yum yum...FOOD!!'
-my reverie-


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