Friday, July 01, 2005


Was at youth camp last weekend. It was such a great time of fellowship, worship, prayer, sharing and not forgetting da food!!Praise God for yummy meals at camps!!! haha.. Above all, it was an excellent time of taking some time off, taking my mind off from the hustle and bustle of my daily routine to seek, focus upon and worship God. It was an awesome encounter with God in a fresh new level. I strongly believe that when one truly desires to seek and worship God with all of his/her heart, mind and soul, that's where God intervenes. Especially through hard times and circumstances where storm comes into my life, my boat gets a lil shaky. I'll start to loose focus because I'm far too concern whether the boat is going to sink or not instead of learning to trust in God who has authority above all things that even the winds and the raging waters obeyed Him.
One thing that got stucked in my head from the camp was that particular night, right before my very eyes, I saw this group of guys; Roell, Shuing and another two more person were praying for Luke. I marvelled at that sight, the presence of brotherly love they had for one another was strongly felt and by knowing that such love can only take place because of the love of Christ for us at the very beginning. 'We love because God first loved us." 1 John 4: 19.


friends copy
-my roomies-
It's always a blessing to be placed in the same room together filled with joyful, spirit filled people where there will be non-stop laughters until everyone's off to bed.=o)


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