Sunday, June 05, 2005

lil joseph..


Joseph Tan Yung Wei
Weighing 3.44kg
time of birth : 2pm

ah..presenting to you, my sifu's new born baby. To Edwin and Priscilla, Congratulations!!! Finally...we've got someone to play with..haha. Boy, isn't he adorable? =) I still couldn't believe how quick things have become. First it was uni, completing his PHD in UK, marriage then took place a few years later, and now, BABY wei! It seemed as though it was just yesterday where I was sitting behind the piano, trembling over my keys and pedals as I was playing for the first time in church at the age of 15. And there he was, my brother in Christ, Edwin, constantly pushing me through practises to improve my skills, sowing the seed I never thought I had within me. Above all, looking beyond this 15 year old girl with no experiences, bad at sight readings, had no clue how to play chords, not sure whether she was going to survive through those hard hymns.....yet graciously invested his time and effort to train me up. I must have been such a bad student, I reackon. haha..Can't wait to be back to see lil Joseph! =o)


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