Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the Big leap

doing the 'Big' Leap - pey li and I

After 5 years of uni education, years of sleepless nights, heartaches, stress, backaches, hours on the computer screen, late night snacks...etc...it all comes down to that very day where I finally got to wear the robe and hat to receive this piece of paper called 'bachelor of communication design'.
It was a weird feeling for I was rather more excited at my brother's graduation than at my own. I wasn't in a 'hoo-hah' state that I 'thought' I would be on my graduation day as being portrayed and spoken by many that it's one of those 'The Day' sorta thing like a wedding.
It was purely simple and short. The weather was warm and apparently, it was the only warm day throughout that whole week. It was a proud moment that I may boast not in my own flesh because none of all that I have achieved so far resulted on my own effort and hardwork. Don't get me wrong because I believe that hard work does pay but it's that greater force that leads you beyond your own capabilities far more than you can possibly dream of.

This certificate belongs to my amazing heavenly Father whose grace has always been sufficient for me that His power is made perfect in my weakness, my parents whom i've learnt to appreciate even more the past few years and friends that I've been surrounded with that I count my blessings twice. Gee...this paragraph sounds more like an academy award thing. =p

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

-J.R.R Tolkien-


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