Saturday, November 05, 2005


A sense of amusement came about me a while ago as I looked back and wondered,
'Why did I put myself there at the first place?'
'How did it all started?'
'What was all that about?'
'Why was I being placed in a surrounding that was just so unfamiliar, unexpected, totally out of my 'so-called' plans?
'What has made me stayed all the way through it ?'

Those were the same questions that I once had which often ended up in frustration after those long hectic days. At times, I wished that I could have said no, I wished all of those things didn't take place from the start.

I'm taking back those words of mine and I finally came to realize that I know it all happened for a reason. A reason that I might not see, I might not understand completely. But one thing for sure, the very part I was being found in that place by these few strangers that eventually became my friends wasn't a coincident at all because it was in such perfect timing. What felt like a burden at first had become an unexpected blessing in return.

'The one thing you left behind for me to learn was the humility you have shown and the great measure you took in those little things..'
and for all that..... thank YoU.
-my reverie-


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