Saturday, February 05, 2005


This was an e-mail sent to me and I pray that it will speak to the many individuals out there, the very same way how it spoke to me. May you be blessed by it!

Yesterday evening, while my husband and I were having a quiet
time before the Lord, I heard the Holy Spirit speaking these
words which I want to share with you all. Although this came as a
personal word, I believe that it does not “belong” to us and the
Holy Spirit wants to speak through it to many others who are
going through times of decision.


“I will take you where angels fear to tread; where grown men have
stumbled and gone astray. As you stay close to me I will guide
and direct your path; stay close to me. Listen for my voice at
every junction before you venture out on the “open road”. The
sign posts will be there, you must seek and you shall find; do
not rush and miss them, but do not stand and dwell beneath them.

You are about to enter the open road; be alert; be ready to
accelerate as the road allows, be ready to negotiate each bend
with care. Is anything too difficult for me? I will make the
crooked path straight when I release my favor, my
increase; “kairos” will be a living experience for you, what was
crooked will become straight.

I am accelerating your destiny; time is the essence and the
essence is time. Do not fear the unknown, this is a road of
opportunity and it is “open” for you. Just listen at the
junction, and then move out.

You must listen at the junction for directions. Do not fear the
danger of colliding with other traffic on the open road. No one
has traveled this open road before, only I. The danger is not in
collision but in moving off course. I have set your course. I
will then direct you into the paths of righteousness; the path
awaits you; take courage my child, step out.

I will wipe every tear, hear every plea and every longing will be
realized as you align your hearts desires with mine.

Glory is mine; honor and glory are mine; release my honor and my
glory to my children. As you see healing in your own family,
minister healing to my body. The remedy is not a repeat
prescription but a cure.

Trust me once more my child; I want to bless you beyond measure,
beyond limits, beyond expectations, and beyond.”

Claire Lampan
Center for Revival Studies
Wales – Argentina – United States


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